Melissa Fleur Afshar | Award-Winning Journalist
Melissa Fleur Afshar is an award-winning journalist and broadcaster. This is the online destination for her curated selection of independently produced news, culture and views.
About | Melissa Fleur Afshar
Two months into the running of my live FM current affairs show, ‘Melissa’s Morning Review’, it was awarded the “Best Topical Show” of 2019 out of a selection of high-quality shows on this network.
Broadcasting | Melissa Fleur Afshar
'Melissa's Morning Review' was a topical news, current affairs, and political news programme. Primarily, I discussed the week's top local, national and international news stories in a conversational manner—and I was in full creative control …
Podcasts - Melissa Fleur Afshar
The Newsweek story (‘Did My Pill Cause Cancer? Women Describe How The Contraceptive Pill Changed Their Lives) can be read here. ‘The Just Checking In Podcast’ Episode #218 - Melissa Fleur Afshar can be found on Apple, Spotify and anywhere else that podcasts are found.
Newsweek Exclusive FeatureLaura Clark gets up at the crack of dawn every day, before putting on a pair of well-worn working boots and heading down to Colleton County Animal Shelter in Walterboro.Clark and her team of 15 paid staff then take on the enormous task of cleaning up after, exercising, arranging veterinary care for, and feeding the more than 300 domestic animals—ranging from cats to ...
PUBLICATIONS - Melissa Fleur Afshar
Man Gets $1 Bill From Vending Machine, Notices Something Very Unusual
Newsweek Exclusive FeatureA mysterious illness left Emma Daniels, 21, unable to walk. A year later, she was able to stand again.A 21-year-old woman has moved viewers online with her inspiring journey from being in a wheelchair to temporarily walking.Emma Daniels, known on Instagram as @emmadaniels.x, lost her ability to walk and stand in early 2023 after suffering worsening symptoms for years ...
Newsweek Exclusive Feature"We sadly stayed away because of the potential terrorist threats," Jake Woosley, from Kentucky, told Newsweek.Like most avid Taylor Swift fans, Jake Woosley was desperate to catch the singer-songwriter's Eras Tour, and he told Newsweek how his 5,000-mile trip to a show ended with some devastating news.The 27-year-old fashion influencer from Louisville, Kentucky ...
Contact | Melissa Fleur Afshar
I am always on the lookout for stories to platform, people to interview and projects to be a part of. If you have an interesting life experience or opinion that you'd like to see in a publication, or an existing project that you'd like me to collaborate with you on, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me via email. I am also available for bookings via BBC's Talent Cloud and other ...
Collaboration with To'ak | Melissa Fleur Afshar
Brand Collaboration | AD Have you ever wondered what the most expensive chocolate in the world tastes like? And more importantly, why it's so expensive? With much of the world having been plunged into a cost of living crisis last year, many people are understandably tightening their belts and counting their pennies. So, a piece of chocolate that’s on the market for 490 USD was bound to raise ...