Several attacks by pro-Russian hackers allegedly hit several sites, among them the Quirinale and the CSM. But the Quirinale ...
Pope Francis had a restful night at the Gemelli Hospital. Awaiting CAT-scan results. Prime Minister Meloni will be at the ...
Steven Spielberg joined a drive led by Martin Scorsese and other artists to save Rome's cultural spaces, especially cinemas ...
The pontiff is carrying out his activities, and yesterday he was able to receive a visit from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, ...
Cautious optimism about the Pope's health after the results of the lung CT scan performed yesterday, which show the normal evolution of the disease towards a positive outcome. Government summits on ...
Great concern for Pope Francis' medical condition. Saturday a critical respiratory crisis forced doctors to administer a high flow oxgen therapy to the Pontiff and carried out a blood transfusion.
Italy has highest "average age" in Europe. In the EU countries, the range from 39.4 years in Ireland to 48.7 years in Italy.
Pope Francis has a bilateral pneumonia and his condition is of great concern. After a CT scan doctors changed therapy yesterday: the next 48 hours will be crucial. This morning's news from the ...
Un anno di reclusione, pena sospesa, per l'ex direttore di medicina dello sport di Careggi. Firmò l'idoneità dell'ex capitano ...
Flavia Pirola e Giampaolo Grippa saranno rispettivamente la direttrice sanitaria e il direttore amministrativo della gestione ...
Si è approfondito ora dopo ora il calo delle borse europee in reazione alla guerra commerciale di Donald Trump. L'indice Ftse ...
Per i sei della Guardia di finanza e della Guardia Costiera l’accusa è di naufragio e omicidio colposo. Amnesty International ...