We typically think of the Oort cloud as scattered ice balls floating far from the sun, yet still tied to it gravitationally.
Learn about the Oort cloud, a vast area beyond the inner solar system that is believed to contain icy objects arranged in a ...
A shell of icy objects at the edge of the solar system known as the Oort cloud has a pair of spiral arms that resemble a ...
The inner Oort cloud, between 1,000 and 10,000 AU from the sun, displays a spiral formation with arms that extend 15,000 AU.
"We found that some comets in the inner Oort cloud form a long-lasting spiral structure." Spirals are a repeating theme in ...
The Oort cloud is a shell of icy objects that forms the very outskirts of our Solar System. Recently, a group of researchers ...
The Milky Way's tidal forces may be shaping the Oort Cloud's inner structure into a spiral shape.
New research suggests the Oort Cloud may have a spiral structure like a mini galaxy. Supercomputer models reveal its ...
Using a NASA supercomputer to run models, researchers led by SwRI astronomer David Nesvorny now believe that the Inner Oort cloud looks like a spiral disk, around 0.24 light-years across, with two ...
NASA’s Pleiades model suggests a spiral in the Oort Cloud’s inner regio Galactic forces may have shaped the Oort Cloud into a ...
But what the Oort cloud actually looks like and how it is affected by forces greater than just our solar system has remained somewhat of a mystery. A new paper posted to the arXiv preprint server ...