The president wants to circumvent environmental regulations to expand timber production, something sought by homebuilders and ...
The Trump Administration's federal firing spree includes conservation agency workers, which will endanger public land, water, ...
The U.S. Forest Service is now tasked with finding someone who fits Fitzwilliams’ pay grade who can replace him in an interim ...
Everybody likes efficiency in government. I do, too. We all want the government to be better. But you have to do that ...
Unfortunately for all of us, that history and the nation’s great national forests are all being undermined by the massive ...
Visitors to national parks and forests from North Carolina’s mountains to its coast could notice a drop in services because ...
The pack of mules, 16 in all, live with seven horses at a U.S. Forest Service property called Eightmile Ranch in the Methow ...
Employees who maintained America's most wild places say they are concerned for public safety, and for wildlife.
Glenwood Springs resident and former White River National Forest employee Jamie Werner will join U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet as ...
Although Connecticut is largely forested, only about one-tenth of 1% of all forest land in the state is considered a true old ...
The koala was officially declared endangered in the Australian state of New South Wales in February 2022. A year later, the ...
America's national parks and other federal lands are in danger of falling into disrepair following the firings of thousands ...