A blood test that detects the biological age of organs can predict the risk of health conditions many years in advance, ...
While vitamin B12 might not be as buzzy as calcium or an immediately recognizable household name like Vitamin C or D, it's ...
A recent perspective offered guidance to clinician’s in managing how or in some cases whether to disclose a diagnosis of ...
Overall, these results suggest frequent nightmares may be one of the earliest signs of dementia, which can precede the ...
Caring for your loved ones with dementia come with many challenges. But a new video streaming service helps create engagement ...
Feeling lonely isn’t good for anyone. Recent studies show the connection between loneliness in elders and dementia risk.
Read this article to learn how to initiate an assessment for dementia in primary care, acute care and care homes.
Caring for those with dementia is never easy, but a little training can go a long way. The dementia training offered by Aging ...
As the oldest baby boomers turn 80 this year, the medical industry is already overtaxed in its ability to provide dementia ...
Dementia research in Bath is getting a much-needed cash injection as ReMind UK, a local charity and research institute, ...
There isn't yet research on how to remove microplastics already in our bodies, but there are a few ways we can limit exposure ...
It’s estimated there are more than 85,000 people in B.C. currently living with dementia – with more than 247,000 people ...