Austria's new three-party coalition government comprising the conservative Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), the Social ...
Austria's first three-party coalition since the aftermath of World War Two took office on Monday, ending the country's ...
Herbert Kickl, the leader of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), has sharply criticised the EU for its policy towards Ukraine.
Austria's centrist coalition government, the first three-party alliance since the aftermath of World War Two, took office on ...
The Freedom Party has sought to join the rising tide of hard-right movements across Europe by tapping into voter anger over ...
A three-party coalition bringing together Austria's centre right, centre left and liberals was sworn into government on ...
Image Supporters wave Austrian flags and signs during a meeting of the Freedom Party of Austria that was held near Vienna in January.Credit...Max Slovencik/EPA, via Shutterstock The new government ...
Austria swears in its first three-party coalition since World War Two. The conservative People's Party, Social Democrats, and liberal Neos form the government, excluding the far-right Freedom Party ...
BERLIN — Austria’s three leading centrist parties said Thursday that they have reached an agreement to form a coalition government that would shut out the far-right Freedom Party, the leading ...