But the cloth, housed in the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Turin, continued to be studied and scrutinised. A controversial study carried out in the 1980s dated the shroud to between 1260AD ...
For those looking for a sustainable alternative to disposable diapers, cloth diapers can be a great option. Instead of chucking your baby’s dirty diaper straight into the trash, you can wash and ...
A team of Italian researchers have entered the debate over the Shroud of Turin, the linen cloth believed by some to have been Jesus Christ's burial shroud. In a study published in the journal ...
However, other researchers have claimed to have proven that the cloth dates back to hundreds of years after Jesus' death. But Italian researchers now say they have proven that the cloth dates back ...
Moriah is a commerce writer for Southern Living who specializes in reviewing cookware, kitchen gadgets, home decor, and more. Her work has appeared in Allrecipes, Alabama Political Reporter, and The ...