Real estate expansion near Madambakkam Lake is threatening the ecosystem and increasing flood risks, putting local's ...
Texas official confronted over DEI hiring practices, leading to a wider debate on race and respect in state politics.
Texas Lottery Commission says it is banning all lottery courier services in the state. Lawmakers want to know why the agency did not do this sooner, and why it passed rules that went against state ...
The topic was a budget request from a state agency. The exchange grew emotional when a lawmaker pressed for answers about a ...
L'Oreal Stepney was brought to tears Thursday during a tense exchange with Rep. Brian Harrison (R, Midlothian) over DEI considerations in the board’s hiring practices.
L'Oreal Stepney was brought to tears Thursday during a tense exchange with Rep. Brian Harrison (R, Midlothian) over DEI ...
Texas Water Development Board Chair L'Oreal Stepney was brought to tears at a Texas House hearing after accusations of race-based hiring practices. Representative Brian Harrison repeatedly questioned ...
Representative Brian Harrison repeatedly questioned the board's hiring decisions, claiming there were race-based hiring policies. However, TWDB leadership said they are following Governor Abbott's ...
Water planners in Northeast Texas oppose the reservoir, while those in North Texas say they need it to meet growing water ...
The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) has begun its process to develop a new statewide Urban Stormwater ...
Responses will be accepted through March 28 and are expected to include plans for preserving iconic water tower.
If both these communities move forward, the city of Oxford, which sits under 10,000 residents, according to estimates from ...