L'Oreal Stepney, the Texas Water Development Board chairwoman received support after a Republican grilled her on DEI.
Texas official confronted over DEI hiring practices, leading to a wider debate on race and respect in state politics.
The topic was a budget request from a state agency. The exchange grew emotional when a lawmaker pressed for answers about a ...
Texas lawmakers are banding across the aisle after Texas Rep. Brian Harrison's targeted questioning made an expert testifier ...
The exchange drew rapid backlash from GOP state leaders including Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and House Speaker ...
L'Oreal Stepney was brought to tears Thursday during a tense exchange with Rep. Brian Harrison (R, Midlothian) over DEI considerations in the board’s hiring practices.
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — An appointee of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wiped away tears and gave an emotional defense of her credentials ...
A usually mundane House Appropriations Committee hearing became tense as a Republican lawmaker probed members of the Texas ...
L'Oreal Stepney was brought to tears Thursday during a tense exchange with Rep. Brian Harrison (R, Midlothian) over DEI ...
Texas Water Development Board Chair L'Oreal Stepney was brought to tears at a Texas House hearing after accusations of ...
Representative Brian Harrison repeatedly questioned the board's hiring decisions, claiming there were race-based hiring policies. However, TWDB leadership said they are following Governor Abbott's ...