House Bill 2525, which was introduced on Monday, would have a public elementary or secondary school display display, in a ...
Moses brought them down from Mount Sinai to the children of Israel, and now Gillsville Republican state Rep. Emory Dunahoo ...
Texas lawmakers are increasing efforts to incorporate religious elements into public schools through two newly introduced Senate bills.Senate Bill 10 proposes ...
In a wide-ranging interview with WGNO’s Susan Roesgen, Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill explained her defense of three ...
I don't want some pink-haired person who doesn't believe in God to start trying to teach the Bible,’ says Republican state ...
House Concurrent Resolution 3020, sponsored by Rep. Nico Rios, R-Williston, is a nonbinding resolution that urges North ...
House members vote down a concurrent resolution that would proclaim Jesus Christ’s kingship in North Dakota. The vote was 31 for the resolution with 59 against. It was introduced by embattled ...
North Dakota House members voted 59-31 Tuesday against a resolution declaring the kingship of Jesus Christ, with opponents ...