House committee approves $3.14 billion annual shift in revenue, creating dedicated fund for neighborhood road improvements.
Here's the word on opposition against more cash for local schools that contradicts a citywide by way of social media and ...
Many Americans are in line to receive a refund from the IRS this tax season. Here are the best ways to put that money to use.
The Alabama House of Representatives on Tuesday approved four bills aimed at reducing the bite of taxes .But with a temporary ...
If you recently filed your taxes and discovered you owe Uncle Sam, maybe even a few thousand dollars, take a breath because ...
Our economic recovery is stalling out and a recession is now looming and it’s the result of the Trump Administrations ...
Chatham County voters decide on ESPLOST V, a 1% sales tax projected to generate $705M for school projects, including new ...
The House voted to increase a state income tax exemption on withdrawals from IRAs and 401(k)s for people 65 and older.
Republicans have proposed a complete overhaul of Iowa's property tax system, as they try to deliver on one of their major campaign promises: lowering those taxe ...
Meanwhile, West Virginia taxpayers had the lowest average refunds. Those owed refunds received an average of $3,183 — down ...
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said a "broad" business-to-business tax will not be included in a budget he will sign during brief ...
Gov. Rhoden, surrounded by those supporting a property tax cap, signed SB 216 into law in the Capitol Rotunda.