Paint crews work high above the deck of the NC State Port of Morehead City Thursday as a new protective coating is applied to the water tower. Photo: ...
The Coastal Resources Commission voted to move forward with a public hearing for a proposed permanent rule that would restore ...
Carteret Community College is launching in March its Living Shoreline Academy, a course of instruction to help people design, ...
The North Carolina Coastal Federation is partnering with two private firms to build a one-acre salt marsh to serve as a "donor marsh" for scarce native salt marsh plants coastal restoration projects.
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries is accepting input through March and hosting four informal, open-house-style public ...
Eligible North Carolina residents' names may be submitted for the state Nongame Wildlife Advisory Committee membership ...
OAK ISLAND — To an unsuspecting eye, it may appear trees have fared well here despite hurricanes and crop rows of houses built on this barrier island over the past couple of decades. Pines and ...