Con esta medida, se ven afectados los eventos de tauromaquía programados en la Monumental Plaza México, la más grande del mundo, luego de diversas batallas legales que permitían que ...
Si piensas cruzar de forma terrestre –ya sea andando o con un auto– de Tijuana, en Baja California, a San Diego, California, en Estados Unidos, o viceversa, aquí te decimos cuánto tiempo ...
Last month at Quoz Arts Fest 2025 in Dubai, Forest Dancer comprised a monumental entry and an immersive exhibition of illuminated inflatable forms inside a contemporary building. With mushroom-like ...
Batalla monumental con giro de guion, cambio en las posiciones de los primeros espadas y un complejo embrollo jurídico que tendrá que resolverse a nivel interno y cuyo resultado marcará el ...
SAN DIEGO (Border Report) — The elevated viaduct being constructed just south of the border in Tijuana likely won’t be ready for another year due to worker conflicts over compensation and payment ...
The entity that owns the Wizards and Caps is now searching for a new person for the C-suite. Monumental Sports & Entertainment’s longtime CFO is stepping aside to take a new role with the ...
The Hollywood Bowl on Liverpool's Edge Lane is undergoing a 'monumental' £2.1 million renovation after 35 years on the same site. The renovation will feature upgrades to the venue's 28 ten pin ...
Longtime Monumental Sports & Entertainment CFO PETER BICHÉ is stepping down from his role to take a senior advisory position with the organization. MSE has engaged Heidrick & Struggles to lead the ...
Italian archaeologists recently uncovered a "monumental necropolis" that appeared to honor an elite class of people thousands of years ago, provincial officials announced this month. The ancient ...