From science fiction dramas to science fiction horrors, sci-fi has a way of immersing audiences into creative worlds while ...
RADAR KUDUS - Buya Hamka merupakan seorang tokoh ulama, sastrawan, politikus, dan juga sejarawan. Dia telah menjadi penulis novel serta berbagai cerita pendek yang berorientasi pada agama Islam.
Kitab-kitab karyanya itu jadi bahan jujukan para peneliti. Tak hanya menekuni bidang pendidikan, sosok KH Ahmad Fauzan juga sosok ulama yang ...
Was it just because of a book Yaacov Agam came across at age 12, Irving Stone’s Lust for Life, which tells the story of Vincent van Gogh, and triggered his interest in art? Was it his unique ...
Agam Berger, the IDF lookout who was released about two weeks ago from Hamas captivity as part of the first phase of the hostage deal, met with Rabbanit Tzili Schneider, chairwoman of the "Kesher ...
(JNS) Agam Berger, the Israel Defense Forces field observer who was released from Gaza on Jan. 30 after 482 days in Hamas captivity, prayed at Kever Yosef (Joseph’s Tomb) in the Samaria city of ...
New Delhi [India], March 1: Agam Pandit, a distinguished Indian- American entrepreneur and visionary leader, One of the Leading Entrepreneurs, attended the historic inauguration of Donald Trump as ...
GELAR STUDY TOUR: SEKOLAH STUDY TOUR - (kiri) Gubernur Jawa Barat Dedi Mulyadi. (kanan) Kepala Sekolah SMAN 1 Cianjur Agam Supriyanta, Selasa (25/2/2025). Sang Kepsek ...
SERBU MAKAM YUSUF - Agam Berger, seorang tentara Israel yang juga mantan sandera Hamas, berfoto dalam rombongan pemukim Yahudi Israel yang menyerbu Makam Yusuf, di Kota Balata, Nablus, Tepi Barat ...
I now teach at a yeshiva, Machon Meir. I told my students, "Do you know why Agam Berger discovered the Creator specifically in captivity?" From my own experience, I can identify two reasons.