The opening words of Parshat Tetzaveh are: “You shall further instruct the Israelites to bring you clear oil of beaten olives ...
Peter Pan Mini-Golf is expected to receive a lease extension to keep the 77-year-old iconic business going. Recently, Cadence ...
AUSTIN, Texas — Someone in Austin is now a multi-millionaire. On Monday night, a ticket sold in the Capital City was the winner of Lotto Texas with Extra!, with a prize amount of $83.5 million.
My answer there is, I'm not completely sure, but I think it will look a lot like what Austin, Texas, looks like," Hugh ... former Statesman music writer Peter Blackstock said in 2016.
AUSTIN, Texas — Someone in Austin is now a multi-millionaire. On Monday night, a ticket sold in the Capital City was the winner of Lotto Texas with Extra!, with a prize amount of $83.5 million.
The average starting price for internet service in Austin -- taking into account the promo prices, not the elevated regular rates -- is approximately $50 a month. If you're searching for the ...
Born Oct. 24, 1940, Emanuel, who grew up in Houston and moved to Austin in 1978, founded Victor Emanuel Nature Tours in 1976.
Mary Travers died in 2009 after being diagnosed with leukemia five years earlier. Peter Yarrow died Jan. 7 after a four-year battle with bladder cancer. After getting his start in a rock ‘n ...
The fight to preserve Peter Pan Mini-Golf continues as its future moves into the hands of a new trustee, Austin Business Journal reports.
The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
There is a Lotto Texas winner for the first time in more than 100 drawings after a ticket purchased in Austin got all six ... won the jackpot. Peter Warren is a general assignment reporter for ...