Scientists have measured the magnetic moment of the muon to unprecedented precision, more than doubling the previous record.
Understanding the relationship between plasticity of muddy soil and earth pressure can be crucial to maintaining tunnel stability and predicting ground behavior during earth pressure balance (EPB) ...
Deep inside what we perceive as solid matter, the landscape is anything but stationary. The interior of the building blocks ...
A collection of new attractions are designed for kids but built to be cool enough for anyone. They’re part of what’s making ...
The distribution of quarks inside flavour-asymmetric mesons has been mapped by Yin-Zhen Xu of the University of Huelva and ...
Geared for discovery more so than delicacy, the LHC is defying expectations by rivalling lepton colliders for precision.
The gigantic asteroid 2024 ON, about the size of a blue whale, will fly close to Earth next Tuesday, missing our planet by ...
But there are tons of exciting applications for the technology emerging in professional environments. HTC, one of the big ...
JSA Postdoctoral Prize Winner Debaditya Biswas will combine different particle identification methods with machine learning ...
Deep inside what we perceive as solid matter, the landscape is anything but stationary. The interior of the building blocks ...
And luckily for us, quantum physicists think they know how to reach that higher dimension. In the 2014 film Interstellar, ...