Larry Ellison isn’t worried about data siloes in companies – he’s worried about data siloes at government level.
CEO of Oracle, Larry Ellison, says countries need to "unify" all their data so it can be accessed and consumed by AI models. Ellison says this includes health data and genomic data, which he also ...
Larry Ellison’s leap into farming with his company, Sensei Farms, serves up a classic reminder: being a genius in one arena doesn’t mean success in another. As the WSJ reports, the Oracle co ...
Larry? What if people want to let loose every once in a while? What then? I guess that’s where the killer robot armies will come in. You may not like what Ellison has to say but, increasingly ...
Larry Ellison’s net worth stands at $221.9 billion as of February 18, according to Forbes. Ellison currently ranks fourth on the world’s richest persons list, backed by his enormous 40% stake ...
Larry Ellison, co-founder and chairman of Oracle ... will be spending less for better outcomes,” he said. Critics say that making such a widespread, consolidated database could be the first ...