The tech has legitimate critics, but the Heritage Foundation still clings to debunked claims about the reality of climate ...
The Heritage Foundation’s plan for a potential Trump second term has little time for schemes to suck carbon dioxide out of ...
Summit Carbon Solutions says pipeline through Iowa and four other states will reduce ethanol's CO2 footprint. But it won't ...
US and Chinese negotiators discussed shared goals of stemming deforestation and paring potent planet-warming pollution during ...
US Defense Department, world's largest fossil fuel-using institution, ranks 1st globally in greenhouse gas emissions - ...
Participating ethanol plants could still emit about 7 million metric tons of additional carbon dioxide annually.
This is big talk for a market with a serious reputation problem. In 2023 the volume of credits traded on the voluntary carbon ...
Carbon capture outfits could be making up to $45B, say analysts The datacenter industry is set to emit 2.5 billion tonnes of ...
China is seeking public feedback on a plan to include cement, steel and aluminium production in its carbon emissions trading ...
The ocean absorbs about a quarter of carbon emitted by human activities, but rainfall is responsible for about 6% of the ...
State regulators erred in numerous ways when they approved a permit for what might be the first carbon dioxide pipeline ...