Sony has apparently formed a new first-party studio for PlayStation called Dark Outlaw Games, and it has already started ...
"It's such a privilege to be able to do it with Sony as a new first-party studio. Sony doesn't set up first-party studios all ...
Call of Duty veteran Jason Blundell has confirmed previous reports he's heading up a new PlayStation first-party ...
Call of Duty veteran Jason Blundell has announced that he's founded a new studio, Dark Outlaw, under the auspices of ...
In a recent interview, Blundell announced his studio, which will be operating under the PlayStation Studios banner.
Sony has formed a new first-party studio within PlayStation Studios. Dark Outlaw Games comes from studio head and director ...
Dark Outlaw Games is headed by Jason Blundell, who directed several Call of Duty campaigns and Zombies sections at Treyarch.
Jason Blundell has created Dark Outlaw Games, which is a new first-party PlayStation studio. Call of Duty veteran Jason ...
Sony Interactive Entertainment has established Dark Outlaw Games, a new studio led by Jason Blundell, the producer on Call of ...
PlayStation's first party studio Dark Outlaw Games, led by Call of Duty veteran Jason Blundell has been announced. Read more ...
Sony has formed a brand new first party studio to develop new PlayStation games, with this new studio called Dark Outlaw Games. The studio is being headed ...
Former Treyarch studio head and Deviation Games co-founder Jason Blundell has started a new first-party PlayStation studio called Dark Outlaw Games.